In the article Food Frequency | Fréquence Alimentaire, I mention a little bit about hydration. Indeed, hydration is the only category of the food frequency triangle that has no limit of consumption. It is recommended to consume in general 1.8-2L per day. But...
Hydration…I need water! | Hydratation… j’ai besoin d’eau !
In the article Food Frequency | Fréquence Alimentaire, I mention a little bit about hydration. Indeed, hydration is the only category of the food frequency triangle that has no limit of consumption. It is recommended to consume in general 1.8-2L per day. But...
Hydration…I need water! | Hydratation… j’ai besoin d’eau !
In the article Food Frequency | Fréquence Alimentaire, I mention a little bit about hydration. Indeed, hydration is the only category of the food frequency triangle that has no limit of consumption. It is recommended to consume in general 1.8-2L per day. But...
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