

South Africa, Cape town | Afrique du Sud, le Cap

In October 2015, I had the chance to go to South Africa, Cape Town specifically. What a beautiful city! It was an unforgettable experience especially from a cultural and personal point of view. At this time of the year, the winter has just ended and the summer is...

South Africa, Cape town | Afrique du Sud, le Cap

In October 2015, I had the chance to go to South Africa, Cape Town specifically. What a beautiful city! It was an unforgettable experience especially from a cultural and personal point of view. At this time of the year, the winter has just ended and the summer is...

South Africa, Cape town | Afrique du Sud, le Cap

In October 2015, I had the chance to go to South Africa, Cape Town specifically. What a beautiful city! It was an unforgettable experience especially from a cultural and personal point of view. At this time of the year, the winter has just ended and the summer is...

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